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  • Sunnydale Team

Funding for the Herz Recreation Center is in the Prop A Bond!

Updated: Aug 27, 2020

Funding to build the new Herz Recreation Center is in Proposition A: The 2020 Health and Recovery Bond! To make sure that our community has a new gym and recreation center, please make you and your family vote YES for Prop A: the 2020 Health and Recovery Bond this Election Day! Voting starts October 3 and continues up through Election Day on November 3. Tell your family and friends to register to vote by October 19. This year, all voters can complete their ballots safely at home and then mail them to the Elections Office. We are so excited that our community has the chance to build a new recreation center with a new indoor gym for sports, recreation and community activities. Vote Yes on Prop A the 2020 Health and Recovery Bond!

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